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Welcome Parents

We are thrilled that you would choose to send your child to Mountainside Bible Camp for a week of amazing experiences in our beautiful area!  
We know that you want nothing but the best for your child - so do we.  Thank you for trusting us with your child this week, we will take care of them as if they were our very own.

Payments and Refunds

The cost of a full week of Jr Camp, all in, is $400. However we have tiered payment system for 2025 which allows for families to choose from 3 pricing options.
Option 1 (Full Price) $400
Option 2 (87% of full price) $350
Option 3 (75% of full price) $300
During registration please choose an option that works best for your family. Our goal with the pricing options is to have no kid left behind, if you need further assistance please email us at
A $100 deposit is required to secure your spot at registration.  The balance of fees can be paid in person when your camper is being dropped off, by cash, cheque or by e-transfer.  Please send an inquiry to before sending the e-transfer.
Deposits are non-refundable.  
No refund will be given for a dismissal from camp due to disciplinary action, communicable disease, lice detection, home sickness, nor for late arrivals or early departures. There may be exceptions made for medical reasons, but we require a doctors note.

Our refund policy is based on shared risk. When a spot is held, that space is no longer available for another camper. By camp and camper owning the risk via the Refund Policy above, both parties acknowledge the commitment, feasibility, and responsibility of reserving a spot, with the future unknown. 


Along with the registration form, when you sign up there a couple waivers that will need to be filled out.  One is for our camp, and the second is for Sunshine Water park in Koocanusa.  
Please print and fill out the camp waiver and bring it with you to registration.  The waiver for Sunshine Water park can all be done electronically. When you receive them, please fill them out promptly!

Learn More

Packing List

Before you send your youngster off to camp, make sure that they will have everything they need!
A detailed packing list can be found on our "Register for Camp" page!

Pick up and Drop off

Jr Camp

Drop off: 4pm on Sunday, July 27th at Rock Lake United Church Camp (4085, Rock Lake Rd, Elko, BC).  
Pick up: 10am SHARP on Friday, August 1st at Rock Lake United Church Camp.

Join us for a delicious pancake breakfast on pick-up day!

Learn More


In the event that you were unable to sign up for the camp you were hoping for before it filled, please send an email to with the full name of your camper and their birthdate and what camp you were hoping to have them signed up for and they will be added to our waitlist.

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